报告地点:ZoomID:345 669 9134, Passcode:740791
报告人:Paolo Santini 教授
报告简介:Modulation instability and nonlinearity are the main causes of the appearanceof anomalous (rogue) waves (AWs) in several physical contexts. Thetheory of periodic AWs has been recently developed on the basic NonlinearSchrodinger (NLS) model in 1 + 1 dimensions, adapting thefinite gapmethod to the Cauchy problem for periodic initial perturbations of the homogeneousbackground solution of NLS. Also a perturbation theory ofAWs allowing one to study the leading order effects of small perturbationsof the NLS equation on the dynamics of AWs has been constructed. Inboth theories the solution is given, to leading order, in terms of elementaryfunctions of the initial data. These results allow one to establish the physical relevance of previously constructed analytic solutions, like the Akhmedievbreather and its generalizations, in physically sound Cauchy problems, andhave been tested in experiments influid dynamics and nonlinear optics.After summarizing the main aspects of the above theories, in this seminarwe present recent analytic results on the theory of RWs in multidimensions, concentrating on the Davey-Stewartson II equation, an integrable 2+1 dimensionalgeneralization of NLS. The results illustrated in this talk havebeen obtained in collaboration with P. Grinevich and F. Coppini.